Department Highlights

Russian Club runs Movie Nights and Conversation Tables
Please join the NU Russian Club each Thursday for Movie Nights or Conversation Tables. Whether you’re just starting on your language journey or have been speaking Russian for years, everyone is welcome! Snacks and pizza provided!
Slavic 328 (City of Cultures, City of Conflict: Prague) explored authentic Czech cuisine
Students in Prof. Kerlova's Slavic 328 (City of Cultures, City of Conflict: Prague) explored authentic Czech cuisine recently.
NU launches Russian Philosophy, Literature and Culture research journal
14 January 2024 —Yesterday’s journal launch was a well-attended success, and we invite you to read The Daily Northwestern’s coverage on the event.
The first issue includes articles by Saul Morson, Mikhail Epstein, Caryl Emerson, Rowan Williams, our graduate students Jillian Pignataro and Brad Underwood among others. The Journal is the result of collaboration with the Libraries and with Media and Design and will be distributed around the world.
photo L-R: Aerith Netzer (of NU Libraries), Brad Underwood, Susan McReynolds, Randall Poole, and Sergei Kalugin (of NU Media and Design). photo credit: Liz Cassidy

Cavanagh in the Washington Post
February 26, 2023 — Professor Clare Cavanagh's article on her collaboration with the poet Adam Zagajewski will appear in the Sunday Book World section of the Washington Post. Congratulations, Clare!
Study Polish with Professor Wilczewski
Now is the perfect time to take Polish Studies courses at Northwestern! Between the Slavic Department’s rich course offerings in Polish language, literature, culture, film, and history, and Chicago's deep Polish cultural heritage, there are so many opportunities to embrace and connect with Polish culture.
Pysanky demo held
March 3, 2023 — Ukrainian pysanky artist Janet Hundrieser organized a pysanky event this past Friday, March 3 on the ground floor of Kresge Hall. The event, a demonstration for the day-long workshop April 1, was widely attended and a great success!
Message from the Chair
The entire world is focused on the horrific war on civilians Russia is waging in Ukraine. As scholars in Slavic, we feel a special obligation to serve as a resource in this difficult time. One of our highest obligations is to education: we are committed to supporting all students, scholars, and institutions in Ukraine and Russia who oppose and are suffering the consequences of Putin's aggression and repression. Ani Kokobobo, a Tolstoy scholar and immigrant from eastern Europe, offers a helpful perspective on the devastating impact of war on education.

King Roger at the Chicago Opera Theater
20 students in Professor Michał Wilczewski's "Intermediate Polish" and "Sex in the Slavic World" courses, as well as others from the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, attended Karol Szymanowski’s 1924 opera King Roger at the Chicago Opera Theater. King Roger, which is sung entirely in Polish, is one of Szymanowski’s most important works, and arguably one of Poland’s most important operas. This performance was its Chicago debut.
Pysanky Workshop Reception
Thank you to all who joined us as students showcased the pysanky art they created during a three day workshop with Ukrainian pysanky artist Janet Hundrieser and Professor Michał Wilczewski. Made possible by the generosity of the Irwin & Vivian M. Weil Foundation, the Council on Language Instruction, SelfReliance Federal Credit Union, and the Ukrainian Gift Shop.
New books by two NU Slavic PhDs
Our Programs
We offer beginning, intermediate and advanced Russian and Polish (and, less often, beginning and intermediate Czech), in addition to Russian and East European literature and film courses. Many of our students are double majors, or are pursuing a minor in Russian and East European Studies to complement their studies. Many of our majors and minors have studied abroad in Russia, Poland or the Czech Republic.
Our PhD program ranks among the best in the country. We offer individual attention and the opportunity to pursue a personalized program by way of coursework taken outside the department. Students specialize in Russian literature, but our faculty also includes specialists in Polish, Czech and South Slavic literatures and cultures. Our greatest strengths are in Russian prose and poetry, literary theory, and in the social and intellectual context of literary works.
Undergraduate Student Excellence
Congratulations to our award winners for the 2023–24 academic year!
Pete Wang, Aliyah Salihah Moad, Ernie Kaye, Julia Marshall, Graham Yarden, and Enrique Sheils
Julian Jarmula
Joanna Soltys and Austin Benedetto
Graduate Student Excellence
Congratulations to our outstanding graduate students
Slavic Departmental Awards
Daniel Lee
Ryan Serrano
Nadia Vinogradova
Elena Poiata
External Awards
Jiwon Jung on her acceptance to the Dissertation Proposal Development Program, for her project titled Picturing beyond the Boundaries: The Question of Mental Illness Represented in A. Chekhov’s Literary Works. In the Dissertation Proposal Program, faculty actively guide 18 humanities and social science PhD students, who are in their second and third years, in designing effective research questions, methodologies, contexts, and interventions.
Adam Willson on the receipt of a scholarship to Middlebury's language program.
Anastasiia Simferovska on the receipt of the Crown Graduate fellowship and the Northwestern Holocaust Educational Foundation Teaching Grant to teach her own course "Document-Image-Text:The Holocaust in East European Art and Literatures." She plans to teach this course at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine) in the academic year 2022-2023.
News and Events
Joint Statement of Opposition to Banning Scholars Based on Citizenship
The statement below, along with its translation in Ukrainian and Russian, can found on the ASEEES website.
As international professional associations that foster the study of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian peoples and cultures, ASEEES, BASEES, and AATSEEL* are committed to promoting international communication among scholars of all countries and identities across the humanities and social sciences. Open exchange and mutual respect among our members are fundamental to our principles.
Upcoming Events
Graduate Colloquium
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Evanston
Slavic grad students, Brad Underwood and Jillian Pignataro, present dissertation chapters. Light refreshments served.
Polish Conversation Tables
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Evanston
Polish Conversation Tables are held every Tuesday at 5pm in the Slavic Languages and Literatures Department lobby, adjacent to Kresge 3...
Polish Conversation Tables
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Evanston
Polish Conversation Tables are held every Tuesday at 5pm in the Slavic Languages and Literatures Department lobby, adjacent to Kresge 3...