Izzy Mroczek
I am a senior double majoring in Slavic Language and Literature and Biological Sciences. Since my parents immigrated from Poland to Chicago, I grew up in a large Polish community. Coming to Northwestern, I got interested in the Slavic department since I wanted to learn more about my family's culture beyond just knowing the language. My favorite class was Slavic 390: Introduction to Polish Literature. It was the first Slavic class I took at NU and it really opened my eyes to the world of Polish literature and made me think about what aspects define a culture and what makes literature "Polish". I was hooked from then on. In addition to being a Slavic SAB representative, I am involved in various organizations on campus such as Quest+, Matriculate, PASA and NUPHR. In my free time I like to knit, pet my cats and try new coffee shops. One day, I hope to go to medical school and ultimately become a physician.