Honors in the Slavic Department
The Department encourages majors with strong academic records to consider pursuing Honors. The Honors experience enables students to develop their interest and expertise in a topic beyond the scope of what is typically possible through regular coursework. For more information, contact Professor Susan McReynolds.
Requirements and Procedures:
- Honors students must have a departmental GPA of 3.5 and College GPA of 3.3;
- Students are encouraged to discuss the possibility of pursuing Honors as early as possible, consulting with their College Adviser, and the Honors Adviser and DUS for the Slavic Department. Interested students should contact the Honors Adviser and DUS no later than spring quarter of their junior year;
- Students must obtain the consent of a thesis adviser and one additional adviser/reader by spring quarter of their junior year; these two readers comprise the student’s thesis committee. The student will obtain signatures of these advisers for submission of the “Honors Declaration” form, which includes a provisional title of the thesis;
- Honors students will write a research proposal of approximately 5-6 pages in length, outlining the proposed topic of study and including a brief bibliography, to be submitted during spring quarter junior year. In some cases, with the approval of the thesis adviser, the proposal may be submitted at the beginning of fall quarter, senior year;
- Honors students will complete two quarters of independent research, typically by enrolling in Slavic 399 during their senior year; these courses will count toward the major;
- Honors students will submit an Honors thesis of 25-30 pages in length, by the first week of May.
After the successful, timely completion of these requirements and the recommendation of the student’s thesis committee, the thesis will be referred to the Departmental Honors Committee (department Chair, DUS, and Honors Adviser) for nomination to Honors.
- Submission of “Honors Declaration” form in Spring, Junior year
- Signatures of thesis committee, provisional research title
- Submission of Research proposal and Bibliography, Spring Junior year
- Two quarters of Slavic 399
- Submission of thesis, the first week of May, Senior year