POLISH 208-3-1 |
Intermediate Polish: Language and Culture |
Michal Wilczewski |
MWF 12-12:50pm |
University Library 4770 |
RUSSIAN 101-3-1 |
Learn Russian With Ease: From Cyrillic to Conversation |
Elisabeth Elliott |
TTh 10am-11:20am |
Kresge 2-339 |
RUSSIAN 101-3-2 |
Learn Russian With Ease: From Cyrillic to Conversation |
Jillian Pignataro |
MW 2:00pm-3:20pm |
Kresge 3-410 |
RUSSIAN 102-3-1 |
Intermediate Russian: Continuing the Journey: A Modern Russian Experience |
Natalia Malinina |
MWF 1pm-1:50pm |
University Library 5722 |
RUSSIAN 302-3-1 |
Advanced Russian in Conversations |
Natalia Malinina |
MWF 11am-11:50am |
University Library 5722 |
SLAVIC 101-8 |
College Seminar: Are You What You Speak? Language and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe |
Elisabeth Elliott |
MW 9:30-10:50am |
Harris Hall L05 |
SLAVIC 255 |
Fairy Tales and Folklore |
Elisabeth Elliott, Susan McReynolds Oddo |
TTh 12:30pm-1:50pm |
Kresge 2-415 |
SLAVIC 261 |
Heart of Europe: Poland in the 20th century |
Clare Cavanagh |
TTh 11am-12:20pm |
Locy Hall 214 |
SLAVIC 311-0-1 |
Dostoevsky |
Gary Morson |
TTh 2pm-3:20pm |
Annenberg G15 |
SLAVIC 369 |
Russian Revolutionary Theatre |
Dassia Posner |
TTh 9:30am-10:50am |
Wirtz 235 Seminar Rm 1 |
SLAVIC 396-0-1 |
Literary Translation Across Genres |
Clare Cavanagh |
W 4pm-6:50pm |
Kresge 2-325 |
SLAVIC 438-0-1 |
Studies in 20th-Century Russian Literature (1940s-2020s) |
Nina Gurianova |
T 3:30pm-6:20pm |
Kresge 3-364 |